• One of London’s leading, experienced and pioneering therapeutic laser centres
• Treatment accelerates healing, repair, regeneration and rejuvenation
• Evidence-based treatment without pain or side-effects

Low Level Lasers & Photobiomodulation Therapy
Low level laser therapy has been well known in Medicine for over 40 years and Leigham Practice has been treating patients for over 23 years.
Also known as ‘cold lasers’, as there is no thermal effect, treatment addresses the underlying causes of pain and illness on a fundamental level and we explain why the term Low Level Laser Therapy is being changed to Photobiomodulation Therapy.
Ending the Opioid Epidemic
This video link shows the British Physicist, James Carroll, CEO of Thor Lasers, speaking to the United States Congress in 2019 about Low Level Lasers / Photobiomodulation treatment ending the Opioid Epidemic by tackling the causes of pain.
The video gives a good explanation of how treatment works and the types of conditions it is being used to treat and the evidence that comes from clinical research and trials.

For Disease
Photobiomodulation therapy provides hope for those with severe conditions and can deliver immediate benefits and long-lasting improvements.
Therapy directly stimulates energy production in the body, stimulating biochemical processes, including those of healing and repair, and can be used for a wide variety of diseases including auto-immune disorders.
For Sports
While growing from a treatment mainly known about from research to a treatment that is now much more widespread, a great deal of credibility for low level laser therapy came from sports science, where rapid healing and speedy recovery to full fitness are critical to the athlete, club or team.
Therapy offers unrivalled advantages in the treatment of sports injuries where steroids, drugs or even surgery are being considered. Treatment can also dramatically reduce recovery time between training sessions, allowing fitness gains to be made more rapidly.

For Injury
At Leigham Practice, we use low level lasers to treat a wide variety of injuries to nerve, bone, ligaments, tendons and muscle. We can also assist with poor wound healing, burns, ulceration and other conditions.
The medical journal The Lancet undertook an analysis of treatments for neck pain and that found there is no treatment in the world considered more effective, and this is just one meta-analysis.
For Arthritis and Bone Pain
Leigham Practice has been using low level lasers to treat joint pain and bone pain following injury or surgery without drugs or side effects for over 20 years.
Photobiomodulation stimulates cartilage cells to reproduce faster and so help to bring about improvements to arthritis on a fundamental level. It encourages bone healing and accelerates repair and regeneration.

Low level laser therapy may have started off in the treatment of diseases and trauma, but the fundamental effects of therapy to heal and repair were soon expanded to include ‘rejuvenation’.
At Leigham Practice, we offer a range of treatments for reversing the signs of ageing or to maintain a youthful appearance.
For Nerve Pain and Neuropathy
At Leigham Practice we understand the devastation that nerve pain and nerve damage can cause and have been treating a wide range of nerve conditions for many years.
Reassuringly, treatment is painless and without side effects for almost all problems, and can help many problems such as neuropathy, sciatic and trigeminal neuralgia, damage due to surgery and many more conditions.

Skin Conditions
Until fairly recently, low level lasers needed to be applied to small areas of skin over long periods of time, and since many skin conditions affect large areas of skin, treatment was not considered a viable option for skin problems.
Over the last few years, lasers and leds have improved in their efficiency and can now cover much larger areas in a reasonable time frame, meaning affordable care for psoriasis, eczema and many other skin conditions.

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Our Laser Therapy Team
What is Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy?
Photobiomodulation is the use of monochromatic (one pure colour, or wavelength) red or infrared light to stimulate healing, repair, regeneration, and rejuvenation. ‘Photo’ refers to light, ‘bio’ refers to life and ‘modulation’ meaning to influence, stimulate or regulate. Photobiomodulation is the effect that Low Level Laser Therapy causes.
What is Low Level Laser Therapy?
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is the application of very low levels of laser light to treat a vast range of health and medical problems. Treatment is given without pain or side effects and works by stimulating the body’s cells and biochemical pathways to speed up healing, repair and regeneration. In other countries, Low Level Laser Therapy is often called ‘Cold Lasers’ as the effects of are purely photochemical and not caused by heat.
What is the difference between Photobiomodulation and Low Level Laser Therapy?
The remarkable effect of Low Level Lasers were discovered a few years after Lasers were discovered in the early 1960’s, and for decades they were the only light source known of the cause tissues to heal and repair. In recent years, specialist Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have been developed that are ‘monochromatic’, meaning they have one pure colour – one of the qualities of laser light and have been shown to have similar effects to low-level laser therapy, yet they are not strictly speaking a Laser. “Photobiomodulation” is the correct term to describe the effect of Low-Level Lasers and monochromatic LEDs, and Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy is now being increasingly used.